Month: November 2004
Cartoons as sustainability tool
Hats off to Hiroshi TAKATSUKI who draws under the Pen-name of High Moon. Hiroshi is a Professor at the Environment Preservation Center, Kyoto Universityp His cartoons make wonderful, thought provoking messages of the need to move to sustainability urgently. Click on the link and enjoy and share!
Underground freight pipelines look promising for New York
The amount of material transported into and out of New York is phenomenal. A good percentage of the food New Yorkers eat comes into the city to be processed at Hunts point. Some 30,000 trucks a day enter the area. Then there are the mail and parcels, container shipments, construction works etc. Twelve thousand tons…
Tube freight transport revisited
Just want to relate an interesting experience with image streaming (IS). I went to visualise a sustainable society which handled logistics effectively. What I found was a city with underground tubeways, sending pallets on trucks in capsules. the trucks were powered by compressed air. “What IS this?” I thought. Carried on anyway. Doing my research…
Visit: Economic growth/Logistics
The question I have concerns economic development. You have to have economic development, (includes organizations balancing their books and increasing GDP) whilst a society has to drastically reduce its impact on the environment. I would like to see a society that handles reducing environmental impact drastically whilst growing economically. I would like to visit a…
New Invention #update: The Corporate Wellness Officer
Health is too important to be left to health professionals. Every company should have its own CWO – Chief Wellbeing Officer. The responsibilities of the CWO: MAXIMIZE health & well-being of employees (reduces insurance costs, increases efficiency, increases attractiveness as employer). MAXIMIZE health promotion of products and services, that is to say maximize the health…
Governments must govern to increase progress toward sustainability
A report from last year by the World Bank analyses how best to achieve good social and environmental practices in global supply chains. One unanimous demand from participants in report, underlined by Peder Michael Pruzan-Jorgensen at the Swedish partnership for Global Responsibility seminar in Stockholm 18th November, was for increased Public Sector Engagement. Ironically, it…
Corporate responsibility in the supply chain: South African Model
A good example of across the board cooperation towards sustainability is demonstrated by the South African Wine Growers voluntary agreement. This case was presented by Peder Michael Pruzan-Jorgensen at the Swedish partnership for Global Responsibility seminar in Stockholm 18th November. We have been unable to find a web reference to check details but the principles…
Zurich Cantonal Bank (ZKB) put Sweden first and USA last in sustainability league
Sustainability rating is increasingly becoming a factor for investors. ZKB are pioneering the development of sustainability index to compare countries. To our mind, rating is a good way to make it clear to everyone how important sustainability is, and in simple terms, what needs to be done. And, that many times SIMPLE SOLUTIONS are available.…
Sustainable Supply Chain Management tools from Nordic Partnership
Ensuring sustainability through the supply chain will help your company minimize risks, improve operational performance and efficiency and improve competitiveness. However, those companies intending to face the challenge of sustainability throughout their supply chain may find the task insurmountable. For example: what do they need to consider before embarking on the task, what approaches are…
Sustainability inbuilt in all humans
Reflections on Visit to Porena: teaching sustainability You may not remember, but the visit to a “visualised” sustainable city included a trip to the school. We were told that the ability to understand sustainability is inbuilt in the human. Provided children get to interact with their environment before the age of 10 it will be…