Month: September 2004
Collaboration Café
People generally agree that for the developed world to wholeheartedly face up to the challenge of climate change we need across the board collaboration.Collaboration cafés show that it is actually, given the right structure to proceedings, easy, effective and enjoyable. Collaboration cafés are definitely one of the best inventions for a sustainable planet. Check in…
Natural History Museum takes up climate communication challenge
The 28th of September the Natural History Museum in Stockholm, Sweden opened its climate exhibition to the public. The day before, researchers, corporate representatives, politicians and Non-Government Agencies gathered to spend the day focusing on how best to meet the challenge of climate change. The researchers are in agreement: man-made emissions are seriously affecting climate,…
Method Notes: How Much do You Edit?
I got the following question from a reader: I’m curious to know how much or little editing you do. How close is what you have transcribed to what you recorded yourself saying? Your web posts seem very polished and I wondered if it just comes out that way on the tape. Reply: The amount of…
Comments on POT-IN-POT from Ulrike Haupte
Hi As I live in Namibia, where hot spells last longer than cold spells, during the times before electricity was available nationwide, all kinds of devices were created and used for keeping food from spoiling. a) coal coolers: Often big enough to walk into. The inner wall is continuous. In the outer wall the bricks…
Read this if you are new to the Blog
The Blog features the tapescripts (mostly) of groups` s sessions to invent sustainable technology. (We also feature examples of sustainable inventing – we are searching for a sustainable inventing methodology.)The tapescripts are followed by notes to verify the method, the findings and to reflect on what is being learned. The creativity techniques they use are…
How Lost World poses sustainability question
REFLECTIONS: SUSTAINABILITY CIRCLES AND BEHAVIOUR Michael Crichton’s ”Lost World” carries important sustainability messages. The book describes how scientists interest themselves in the island where dinosaurs have been living freely for some time. Skeletons and even DNA do not give the full picture: they want to study dinosaur behaviour. More importantly, to see if their behaviour…
Footprint being followed by many institutions
FOLLOW UP TO TAPESCRIPT Research into the last tapescript reveals many actualy are following the footprint. Click on the link below to see a full report. That the situation is serious no-one should doubt. The world’s ecological footprint is 14% above what it is believed the world can cope with. And rising. Maybe footprint IS…
Tapescript Focus on Sustainability
Next question. You are in a community that is not acting in a sustainable way and you want to focus people onto sustainability do you do that? I want to talk to someone and go somewhere to find the answer to this. How do you bring people together from diverse areas and focus on…
New sustainable invention for health
SUSTAINABLE INVENTION HIGHLIGHT – HEALTH BOOSTER! Latest Medical Invention This product is a sensation Clinically proven to reduce coronaries and other heart-lung diseases. Clinically proven blood pressure reducing Clinically proven to prevent diabetes 2 and many cognitive problems, with panax ginseng your body will feel healthier and full of…
How BIG is your footprint
. This site calculates your own personal footprint and the positive effects of any changes in BEHAVIOUR you might want to make. Recommended. Click on the link below.