Category: Rethinking money
An introduction to the Flexible Pollutant Mechanism
This short video explains the mechanism put forward by the Swedish Sustainable Economy Foundation for solving pollution with financial incentives.
Circular economy in diagrams: where logic breaks down and where financial incentives can work
Are your circle economy diagrams confusing your audience? This article aims to help you communicate clearly. As a staunch aficionado of reaching a resilient economy through sustainability I am all for circle economy thinking- if it ensures people get food on the table and a roof over their heads. Unclear delivery will not help our…
Shifting Power, Shifting Economy
Lindsberg conference center, just outside the Swedish town of Falun, saw three days of Powershift Sweden with PUSH, a youth movement conference for action for a fossil-free society. As a fellow of ISSS (the Institute of Swedish Safety and Security) and one of the founders of Transition Sweden, I brought the complementary currency ITK to…
Complementary Currency Trial Shows How Communities Can Prosper
A summary of the recent trial in Sweden, published at , presents a hopeful development with complementary currency as a driver of community development. As economies fail throughout Europe it is becoming clearer that communities should come together to provide the security and safety that neither businesses or local authorities have the capability to…
Experimental currency in Sweden
Does your local community need and injection of money to usher in prosperity? No worry, just get your scissors out and make some! This is anyway what a group of local community developers in Sweden are trying. The initiative is a cooperation between Transition Towns in Sweden (the organization that works on a local level…
New book shows the Power of Just Doing Stuff
Recently published by Transition Towns founder Rob Hopkins, this new book “The Power of Doing Stuff” encourages everyone to engage with the food security challenge as well as resilience in general. You can be a part of the change by engaging locally wherever you live. Around the world, people are seeing the limits – of…
Swedish Foundation sees fees on raw materials can create circular economy
Just released, the latest version of the Swedish Sustainable Economy Foundation’s White paper presents in detail how nations can usher in the zero emission, no waste society using a special fee mechanism on raw materials. Download the paper from the Foundation’s web site People get worried that we should reduce consumerism, as our way of…
From the Charles Eisenstein event
Last night’s event with Charles Eisenstein was like listening to a spellbinding story teller, the story of the old story and the story of the new emerging. I twittered like mad until my battery ran out. Here are the tweets unedited. #ceisenstein disrupt the old story with love and kindness; miracles happen when you…
We pick up the pollution bill and go hungry while corporations get the profits
In a recent article in, journalist David Roberts explains that None of the world’s top industries would be profitable if they paid for the natural capital they use Citing a recent report [PDF] by environmental consultancy Trucost on behalf of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) program sponsored by United Nations Environmental Program,…
Transition to biomass society with a complementary currency
This white paper discusses the challenge of replacing fossil-fueled supply chains with less energy-intense renewable solutions whilst rapidly reducing the carbon in the atmosphere. It suggests that a complimentary currency, backed by carbon fees and pledges from landowners to sequester carbon using soil and biochar, could be the answer. Read the paper here. A complementary currency…