Category: Work 2.0 – redesigning work for sustainability
Circular economy in diagrams: where logic breaks down and where financial incentives can work
Are your circle economy diagrams confusing your audience? This article aims to help you communicate clearly. As a staunch aficionado of reaching a resilient economy through sustainability I am all for circle economy thinking- if it ensures people get food on the table and a roof over their heads. Unclear delivery will not help our…
Overshoot day August 20: will “economic” reality meet resource reality?
Let us look at overshoot day from the point of view of economics. By economics I mean the technology of keeping track of housekeeping with resources and keeping track of material obligations to those around us. Economics does not need to be restricted to counting with money. Other measures can be used. And it is…
Would you like extra IT with that, Sir?
Someone has to say it: digitalising your life might not be all good. Anyone who has checked their I-Phone whilst on the toilet will probably have an inkling that something is not going right. The fundamental problem is that everyone working in the IT industry wants to sell more IT. And those outside would like…
Envisioning a world without work
We are getting closer to 1984 and Brave New World, where people work but that has nothing to do with the cost of living, rather something they just have to do. In this article in the Guardian, Nina Power analyses the disparity between the value add workers bring, to the amount of wages they take home. The theory has been that if…
Suppose capitalism mimicked the way nature works.
Article updated June 6 after consideration of all the recent comments We are stuck. On the one hand you have people who talk about economic growth as being the objective of policy – necessary to be able to pay back debts and achieve prosperity. On the other hand, you have the sustainable camp that claims…
A philosophical exploration of what “sustainable” and “technology” are
What we call technology is actually a narrow practice including mechanics, electronics and computer science. This confusion is hampering human development, especially when the expectation is on not developing financial and social technology but demanding mechanical solutions when simple agreements could suffice. Modern technology is failing, we are not addressing the challenges in front of…
Is corporatocracy the way you really want to go?
What is the best way to organise society? That question has been around since we started to be able to talk. In my world I like to add “what is the best way to organise society so it develops resilience and sustainability”. I have pointed to writers like Aldous Huxley who, in his book “Brave…
Reinvent work as volunteerism – the only way to sustainability
It has been striking me more and more recently how the positive developments in sustainability are coming from a spirit of volunteering. ”Going along” is a central theme of my book, ”Inventing for the Sustainable Planet”. The book was imagestreamed and insights can take a long time to sink in. I see how I have…
If the national economy were run as a football game…
The modern economy has undoubtedly given millions better lives. However, despite years of experience and development of macroeconomic theory, despite decades of Nobel prizes in Economics, there still doesn’t appear to be a way to run an economy without putting severe hardship on a large percentage of the population. And this state of affairs is…