Where we need innovation: the economic system

The present economic system is a patchwork of taxes and subsidies and ideas that have been around since at least the 1800s. Tax upon tax has been added trying to bring control and equality to the system. The picture here shows just the CATEGORIES of transactions involved and then just the most common. If we Read more about Where we need innovation: the economic system[…]

Transitioning away from fossil fuel: society is like an amoeba.

I spent a pleasant afternoon in the Swedish Town of Uppsala with the Upplandsbygd regional development organization and people involved in the Transition Towns movement from Sweden (Uppsala) and Scotland( the town of Fores) in a workshop that looked towards both regions’ development up to 2020. The workshop was organized as part of a cooperation Read more about Transitioning away from fossil fuel: society is like an amoeba.[…]

From the Charles Eisenstein event

Last night’s event with Charles Eisenstein was like listening to a spellbinding story teller, the story of the old story and the story of the new emerging. I twittered like mad until my battery ran out. Here are the tweets unedited.   #ceisenstein disrupt the old story with love and kindness; miracles happen when you Read more about From the Charles Eisenstein event[…]

Would you like extra IT with that, Sir?

Someone has to say it: digitalising your life might not be all good. Anyone who has checked their I-Phone whilst on the toilet will probably have an inkling that something is not going right. The fundamental problem is that everyone working in the IT industry wants to sell more IT.  And those outside would like Read more about Would you like extra IT with that, Sir?[…]