Month: August 2009
BBC picks up perfect storm warning from top scientist
A perfect storm of shortages is what the BBC calls its series, inspired by the warnings from no other than John Beddington, the UK government’s chief scientific adviser, of a possible crisis in 2030. See his entire speech here. This perfect storm is one where factors combine to present challenges to the world’s population as…
World hunger hits one billion
A recent report in the BBC, one that I missed during my summer holiday, states that world hunger has reached a level never before experienced in the history of humanity. That one billion, or nearly one sixth of the world are starving should make anyone stop and think, and wonder why, when so many areas…
Quote: enjoying this beautiful life is about who we are
There are people who like to point out all the problems, and in a way, I’m glad they do. But I think there should be some people who point out the good, the beautiful, because this life, despite all the problems, is beautiful. And sometimes, caught up in our troubles, our turmoil, our ideas, our…
Self-pick woodland gardening
I can’t remember where I heard about it, but there is this idea that you can grow all you need in a Forest. Agriculture as we know it – huge areas of monoculture using a lot of fossil fuel – could be mostly replaced by people just going into the forest and getting what they…
Our Swedish Eco-unit: baby steps
In May, 2009, together with five others, I purchased a horse-farm about one and half hour’s drive out of Stockholm, Sweden. The intention is to transform the site into a co-housing combi-farm, or Eco-unit. View pictures of the farm here, and learn more of the background to what an Eco-unit is here. To get started…