Category: Videos
Sustainable, intentional communities
Sustainable Intentional Village View more webinars from Stephen Hinton
Interest-free banking
This simple film below highlights the Swedish JAK Bank that offers interest-free loans. Interestingly, it explains how most sectors of society pay interest but one actually earns more than it pays. It also explains how interest drives economic growth which itself drives a drawing down of ecological and mineral resources. Altogether a compelling argument for…
Visual representation of growing US unemployment
Posted recently on Thomas Greco’s site BEYOND MONEY this revealing animation of the growing unemployment in the US. It reminds me once again that we are living in a system that neither gainfully occupies us or encourages stewardship of our natural and mineral resources.
Sustainable investing – the video
ASSET-BASED FINANCING: supporting sustainable local development. This video shows the possibility of using asset based finance to provide capital for consumers to invest in local, sustainable businesses to drive sustainable development. Read also the white paper “Units of Trust”.WHITEPAPER_Local-economyV1D
The sustainable city of Porena: THE VIDEO
This is the video based on the novel “Inventing for the Sustainable Planet”
Video envisioning: Units of Trust
Imagine it were possible to, instead of just consuming, invest your money in local sustainable enterprises. As long as your money is with these enterprises, they provide you with your daily needs at a lower cost. You would need to work less and less as time goes on, with more time over to do what…
The Science of sustainable food production #Phosphorous
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