Month: April 2013
We pick up the pollution bill and go hungry while corporations get the profits
In a recent article in, journalist David Roberts explains that None of the world’s top industries would be profitable if they paid for the natural capital they use Citing a recent report [PDF] by environmental consultancy Trucost on behalf of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) program sponsored by United Nations Environmental Program,…
The triple-circle economy
This diagram comes from the Swedish Sustainable Economy Foundation
Visit to the eco-centre, Ipema, Brazil
We visited IPEMA – Institute of Permaculture and Eco-village of the Atlantic Rainforest. The center is an example of the growing energy and insight that is manifesting itself as practical projects and organisations working towards sustainability in Brazil. Combining permaculture and eco-village thinking, the center has made huge headway in creating housing of 100%…
Posters of transition
A recent collection of posters from the 2nd world war, adapted for the message of Transition.
Transition to biomass society with a complementary currency
This white paper discusses the challenge of replacing fossil-fueled supply chains with less energy-intense renewable solutions whilst rapidly reducing the carbon in the atmosphere. It suggests that a complimentary currency, backed by carbon fees and pledges from landowners to sequester carbon using soil and biochar, could be the answer. Read the paper here. A complementary currency…