Month: March 2008
Fast set up of intentional communities
AVBP accepted an assignment to invent a rapid process to set up intentional communities. Background An intentional community is a planned residential community designed to promote a much higher degree of social interaction than other communities. The members of an intentional community typically hold a common social, political or spiritual vision. They…
The world of work: what are the options?
In my last post I pointed out what must be obvious to many – that work is not working. Too much work is being done to create financial wealth, and too little is being done to secure a sustainable future for coming generations. If we have a world population of 6 billion, say a quarter…
Why work isn’t working
Regular readers will remember that one of the major tenets of my book and this blog is that the sustainable city abandoned work as a way to generate a standard of living. In fact, it was one of the first of the old ideas to go. Work as we know it was replaced by the…
Second Life; Looking for land
Looking for Land Still thinking about the IC in Second Life. It is a common thing that groups looking to set up an Intentional Community start looking for land at an early stage. I don’t know why – maybe because they want to get going quickly – or maybe because they think if they find…
Second Life experiment kicks off for Max Wahlter
My sustainability blogger alter ego Max is now not just in the book “Inventing for the Sustainable Planet” but on SECOND LIFE, too. Here is his diary entry: I am so happy that my Second Life friends Cal and Mia have asked me join them on their experiment in Intentional Communities in Second Life. They…
What can Second Life teach us about sustainability?
Like Dave Pollard, writer of the excellent blog ”How to Save the World”, I too believe the on-line 3D phenomenon ”Second Life” ( can make a significant contribution to sustainable development. Here are a few first thoughts: Simulation of technology. If you can think it you can make it Second life. And then walk around…
The simple choices we face
One of the things you learn from working with innovation for the sustainable planet is to ask the right question from the outset. What is it we are trying to achieve? Well, no-one wants to work too much and everyone wants at least a simple standard of living. But what are our choices? The simple…
Article from the future: Retford’s transition
Retford was slow in coming to the realization that ”business as usual” may not keep local citizens’ standard of living at an acceptable level. As they saw energy prices hike many were concerned the local economy was in danger of spiraling down out of control. Many others found it incomprehensible that energy security could be…