Month: October 2005
Market economy failings: warning signs appearing
Many agree with the efficacy of the basic market economy model (goods’ and service’s prices are set by sellers, and increase with demand and decrease with competition) in generating a living standard However, many also see with dismay the downside of this way of organizing our daily lives: extraction and dumping of huge amounts of…
Local food systems can be supported with complementary currency
Pathways to local food systems using a complimentary currency system like COGS.Submitted by hipnot on Tue, 2005-10-18 08:34.Robert Waldrop’s paper presented at the recent Community Solution conference offered ideas on how to set up local food systems. Based on his paper this article explores how to use our COGS currency or a similar complementary currency…
Can community currency help? We think so
We think so, which is why we are joining the COGS scheme. Click on the link for explanations.
POWER DOWN to survive
Our team has just finished analysing the impacts of energy shortages on organisations in general. We believe all organisations should start to work out their energy intensity strategy. Failure to craft strategy in time may catch an organisation unawares before they have time to react. As a start we offer up our white paper on…
Inventions process results in white paper
The methods used here as shown in earlier posts use the processQuest>image stream>tapescript>blogged script (cleaned up)>story from the future>prototyping for commercial release. We have taken to writing white papers as a way for engaging potential partners as a more “professional approach” to sustainable inventing. An image stream quest to find communities fully engaged in developing…
Full instructions for Sustainable Inventing
Don’t just read about my inventions – go do your own! The techniques I use are called “Beachead” invented by Win Wenger. I always tape my sessions and as often as not I just post a cleaned up version of the tapescript. The other methods of publishing are “articles from the future” or “white papers”.…
This is why we need ingenuity: we are in an energy hole
Matt Simmons, financial advisor to the energy industry has released this presentation which spells out the urgency of the situation. Energy production is at its maximum, exacerbated by hurricane Katrina. Demand is rising, and unless we start decreasing the energy intensity of the way we live the coming shortfall will not only impact economic growth,…
British Newspaper spells out grim prospects of Peak oil and calls for "war economy" response.
Says the New Statesman: Such is our dependence on oil, we face a shock that will dwarf any crisis of the past. It’s a good job the government hasn’t ruled out rations – only the effort of a war economy is likely to help. It had to happen sometime. Credit to this British Newspaper, sticking…
Swedish Government Plans for oil independence by 2020
Today 1 October, in an article in the debate section of the Swedish national daily, DN, Minister for Sustainable Development Mona Sahlin announces the government plan to break dependency on oil by 2020. This makes Sweden the first country to publicly announce its intention to break away from oil. The government intend for Sweden to…