Category: Training for sustainability
A dialogue in Future Perfect
Reflections on my experiences at this year’s Future Perfect festival that brings does and thinkers of sustainability together The Future Perfect Festival, held on the Stockholm archipelago Island of Grinda, wrapped up recently. The event, now in its third year, is designed to provide a space for those engaged emotionally and professionally in sustainability; a…
Calling the circle training
No matter if you work with neighbors, in a cooperative, in a Transition Initiative or among volunteers, good relations and social cohesion are critical not only just to success, but maintaining good feelings and energy in the community. We’ve taken the best of what is available and put together an introductory training that prepares you…
At Last! Dirt the movie…
Anyone intereted in understanding the complexities of sustainable world food and water situation should watch this film. It carefull goes over the importance of theat which we give a negative namen to – dirt that may well be the most important piece of technology we have available to us! Follow this link here for a fuller explanation
The answer is the circle. The question is going to get thrown at you any time soon.
In the conference room, standing barefoot in a circle, holding hands together we wait for Medicine Story to speak: “In the old ways, the tribe does everything in a circle.” “The circle is what keeps us together, and in keeping together we survive.”
Second Life Island Perfect Paradise celebrates three years anniversary
Perfect Paradise (PP) is virtual community in Second life (SL) focussed on learning about community and sustainability. I joined early on. My aim was to learn about community to be able to transfer the knowledge to my real-life (RL) community, now called Änggärdet. Below is an account, written for the Island Newsletter, of why I…
At last, a course in setting up an eco-unit is available
Many people dream of living in a way that burdens neither nature nor their personal finances. They seek a sense of closeness to and connection with nature. We have developed a course to help.
Join the Imagestreaming Workshops in Stockholm
The evenings of Thursday 2 and 9 September, Open World Café , Stockholm hosts an exclusive Imagestreaming training with Stephen Hinton. (The book Inventing for the Sustainable Planet was written using Imagestreaming) The workshop is designed to give you the latest ” behind the eyes” techniques to access your hidden creativity to apply to problem…
UN’s Global Compact report reveals corporations ready to embrace sustainability
Corporations are poised to enter a new era where environmental, social and corporate governance issues are embedded throughout operations, the supply chain and subsidiaries. This according to a new report from the United Nations Global Compact and Accenture, based on a global survey of more than 750 CEOs and in-depth interviews with 50 of the…