Tag: Units of Trust
The Units of Trust concept
As populations grow, and less and less oil is being found, the fossil fuel-dependent global supply chains and the banking system that supports them are becoming less functional. Relocalizing production and sales of daily needs reduces fuel dependence, waste, and increases local employment and community resilience. However, today’s financial system is more geared to large…
The Units of Trust scheme investing in local, sustainable enterprises
Units of trust are simple investment devices based on preferential debentures. Put simply, you invest money in a company you purchase from regularly. You do not get back money primarily from the company, but you get what money can buy – goods, services, or use of physical assets. When you wish, you can get the…
As populations grow, and less and less oil is being found, the fossil fuel-dependent global supply chains and the banking system that supports them are becoming less functional. Relocalizing production and sales of daily needs reduces fuel dependence, waste, and increases local employment and community resilience. However, today’s financial system is more geared to large…
Sustainable investing – the video
ASSET-BASED FINANCING: supporting sustainable local development. This video shows the possibility of using asset based finance to provide capital for consumers to invest in local, sustainable businesses to drive sustainable development. Read also the white paper “Units of Trust”.WHITEPAPER_Local-economyV1D
This text describes the “imagestream journey” to understand local investment. To see the final product see this post Or the video Or click to read the tapescript