Month: June 2005
The Long Emergency by James Howard Kunstler raises ethics questions
Kunstler’s book asks “What’s going to happen as we start running out of cheap gas to guzzle?”. If you haven’t been following the oil depletion thread this is a good place to get updated. (Link) One thing I have been musing over: I quote the Rolling Stone article ” The turbulence of the Long Emergency…
Max Wahlter’s Journey to find cure for oil and happiness hits addiction
Preamble: Neil Crofts ( does not mx words. He says the modern person is working in indentured slavery and/or is addicted to temporary hits of happiness. “Happiness seems like the end of the rainbow.” …the happiness we feel is usually fleeting and attached to events or things. In this way we develop and understanding that…
Peak oil warning underlined by simulation
A simulation sponsored by Securing America’s Future Energy and the National Commission on Energy Policy, and involving former government officials, revealed how the US economy, and indeed world economy are vulnerable to oil shortages. The simulation played out a series of accidents and terror actions which sent gasoline and oil prices through the ceiling, prompting…
Sustainability and economy do not mix on cheap oil
You need to understand that sustainability and economy do not mix when you treat energy as an endless resource like any other. I know that we are preaching the balance between bottom line, environment, society and health but at the same time we recognize that the economic ideas society is based on are counter sustainable…
Alternative currencies: the flight of fancy
The innovation quest: Go forward in time to a society which has introduced alternative currency created a society where everyone helps everyone else created conditions for return to a non-oil consumption based community (weaned themselves off oil) created a standard of living for everyone at least at a level of 80% of the pre oil…