Month: February 2006
Module based design and manufacturing drives re-localisation
This week we present a new “Article from the sustainable future” One major change brought about by the rise in energy prices was the shift to module based product design and manufacturing. On the face of it, the change was minor, but it required a major shift in. attitude. Our reporter talks to Jeff Handly,…
Swedish Banks unpeturbed by oil threats, forecast economic growth
Stockholm 8th February 2006. Despite intentions of oil independence by 2020, and all that will mean as the economy transitions,” business as usual” is a strong force in Sweden. The same day the Swedish press published figures showing how production and acquisition of new reserves in the world’s largest oil companies is declining, Swedish banks…
Article from the future: Retford manages transition away from fossil fuels
Retford was slow in coming to the realization that ”business as usual” may not keep local citizens’ standard of living at an acceptable level. As they saw energy prices hike many were concerned the local economy was in danger of spiraling down out of control. Many others found it incomprehensible that energy…
Just to make a point about economic growth. bear with me, for this point we will need a group of people with a shared resource (say a biodiesel plant or a garden .. or both). Say they are on average employed to 60% percent of them. if these 60 percent get paid more at their…