April 25, 2009


Here are some ways to work with envisioning your ideal sustainable future:

Imagestreaming is a simple yet powerful technique of problem solving and innovation invented by Dr. Win Wenger. Based on the premise that we know more that we know we know, the innovator imagines a walk through a place that contains the answers. I started imagestreaming in the 80’s, and in the late 90’s started pursing the question: what would a sustainable society look like? The result is the book “Inventing for the Sustainable Planet” and my descriptions of the sustainable city of PORENA.

From my coming book, sneek a preview of what a world with sustainable, local investments might look like.


I like Mind Movies.  A Mind Movie alternates affirmations of your ideal future with inspiring pictures, all set to the music of your choice.  I don’t know HOW it works, I just know it seems to work at a deep level, opening yourself up to possibilities. Shortly after I created a Mind Movie of our Eco-unit I noticed our group had grown from 8 to over 20. A Mind Movie alternates affirmations of your ideal future with inspiring pictures, all set to the music of your choice. Learn more about Mind Movies here.

Prem Rawat, also known as Maharaji, speaks of the first step to peace: inspiring people by presenting the possibility.

When it comes to theory, peace is a very complicated thing. The only thing you can do is to inspire people to find the way to feel peace, and that begins with presenting the picture of a possibility. Prem Rawat at Harvard University

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