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I wrote this book, and am giving it away, because I am concerned that we citizens of Earth are heading for a crisis caused by the way we run things. Not just an economic crisis but a humanitarian crisis .

This e-book will explain the five major reasons I see why you need to start re-thinking your business and your way of life.
You might be thinking: “ Why haven’t I heard of this before?” Well, you have. It’s just that it has been a long time coming and you are probably like most people, bound up in daily life, with your own causes and issues and distractions. And the situation is complicated. That’s why I have tried to boil it all down to five aspects you can monitor and work out for yourself.

You might be thinking: “Why now?” Well, it’s been coming a long time. In 2005 the peak of oil production, or production of easy oil, was reached. Three years for the effects to work their way through supply chains and the World sees the first shocks – rapid rise of prices followed by economic instability.

Understanding these five simple things will get you started on rearranging and rethinking the way you do things in your work, in your business and in your daily life. Specifically you will need to think about where you are investing your time and money as an employee, investor, business owner and consumer.

Whatever you do, don’t just believe me, think about it and find out for yourself. Download here 5_guide


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