Category: Community Finance Canvas
New Article about the Community Finance Canvas in REconomy project
The REconomy Project published an article about the Canvas method recently. The Project aims to help build the capacity of Transition Initiatives, and other community organizations doing similar work, to grow a new kind of local economy. It’s aimed at people active in Transition, or similar. Through their website, they hope to provide some inspiration,…
Re-inspiring communities
It was great to meet so many people interested in joining in the dialogue around community development at Future Perfect festival held recently in Vaxholm, just outside the Swedish capital, Stockholm. So much arose out of that dialogue that I felt it was worth recording a summary from memory here it is:
The community finance canvas handbook
Community Finance Design Handbook This handbook is for social economy innovators, community builders, and sustainable developers. It helps you develop communities that demonstrate people care, planet care in a way that provides the basic needs of community members. This handbook written by Stephen Hinton, acts as an introduction to thinking financially about community initiatives and…