Month: May 2005
Japanese show the behavior change route to sustainability
In my last post (and earlier missives) I noted that behaviour is the key starting point to address sustainability issues. If you remember from the posts about community action I proposed an 8 step approach. 1) identify concerns and assets in the region 2) identify the behaviour associated with the concern 3) analyse the systems…
Consumer Power. If you never start the car you don’t pollute.
One of the keys to understanding and getting involved in sustainability is to understand the power of the consumer. Let’s look at the basics in this briefing. Back in the 80’s consumers would use their purchasing power to boycott products to make their voice heard. Nowadays, consumers are making an active choice, searching the web…
Public Sector should operate a Zero tolerance policy on counter sustainability
Let’s give it to you straight as we see it, and try and point you in a constructive direction. We also want you to work with us if you are as serious about it as we are. Today is about the public sector. Lets’s take a physical area, for the sake of this exercise we?ll…
Global Warming weakly branded?
I’ve been following the debate about WHY GLOBAL WARMING IS BRANDED SO BADLY. See Tom Peters blog marketing global warming. Gill Friend (click on title) even got involved. Why should an impending disaster have a BRAND? Does ” Millions of people are starving” have a brand? Or “5000 people control 80% of the world’s economy”?…