Month: June 2012
Jevons paradox bust by new emissions fee mechanism.
Many inventors’ eyes glaze over in wonder at the thought of having the opportunity to invent clean, more efficient, technology. If only there were a market for it, the most wondrous machines could be manufactured and sold at a huge profit, they reason. And pollution would stop. But more effective solutions actually, according to the…
The community finance canvas handbook
Community Finance Design Handbook This handbook is for social economy innovators, community builders, and sustainable developers. It helps you develop communities that demonstrate people care, planet care in a way that provides the basic needs of community members. This handbook written by Stephen Hinton, acts as an introduction to thinking financially about community initiatives and…
Suppose capitalism mimicked the way nature works.
Article updated June 6 after consideration of all the recent comments We are stuck. On the one hand you have people who talk about economic growth as being the objective of policy – necessary to be able to pay back debts and achieve prosperity. On the other hand, you have the sustainable camp that claims…