Sustainable investment

Sustainable investment is for investors who believe economic growth is close to being curtailed by lack of raw materials, energy shortfalls, restriction on greenhouse gas emissions and the effects of a sustained economic downturn .

The challenges that face many business operations will come from:

  • Rising prices or supply shortfalls of fossil fuels in their supply chains
  • Increasing pressure to eliminate greenhouse gasses from their supply chains
  • Lack of access to capital

Transforming operations towards sustainability, then, means creating resilience by:

  • Reducing reliance on fossil fuels in the supply chain
  • Reducing greenhouse gasses in the supply chain
  • Ensuring energy security from renewable sources.
  • Increasing stability of money supply even when economic downturn persists
  • Concentrating on supplying necessities that will always be in demand even in hard times: chains supplying food and shelter, including woodland and arable land.
  • Increasing social capital: when financial capital fails, communities helping each other solves problems otherwise left to markets in times of booming activity.

How do sustainable investments benefit investors?
If business operations are likely to shrink generally, sustainable investments can provide the investor with things they need that they would otherwise buy. Again, food and shelter are such returns.
Sustainable investments will continue to produce dividend from sustainable food and energy production at a reasonable price whilst operations with a percentage of fossil fuel dependency in its supply lines will meet rising prices. Sustainable operations become more and more competitive as fuel prices rise.

What are the specific returns to investors from Open World Villages?
As open world villages support community development and provide food and housing in a sustainable way, they will increase in value compared to living arrangements dependant on fossil fuel. If you expect massive fossil fuel hikes or shortages, then you can expect higher dividends from investing in Open World Villages and for their value to increase many-fold.
The share –swap scheme. All shareholders are invited to participate in the services for dividends plan: shareholders are. Depending on the size of their investment, may be entitled to up to 50% discount on purchase of homes in an Open world Village.
Share sales. Open world villages start off as letters of intent to purchase land, and mature as highly efficient living arrangements for many families. Your shares have the ability to increase in value as villages mature. And as shareholders get massive discounts, should you not wish to swap shares for homes you will be able to sell your shares to potential homebuyers.

Certain restrictions apply. Please contact Open World Villages for details

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