Stephen Hinton speaks at Copenhagen Business School on how business can address food security

Stephen Hinton will address students and guests at Copenhagen Business School on the 19th June. A fellow of the ISSS, Stephen has been supporting the Humanitarian Water and Food Award (WAF) with selecting applicants.

In collaboration with WAF, Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship is inviting to CSR 2.0 conference: “Water and food for all – A challenge of business thinking and the general assembly of the humanitarian food and water award.”

Stephen will speak from his experience of selecting applicants for the awards from the 100s of leading –edge initiatives from around the world. And he will present what he sees as the opportunities for businesses to play their part in creating a new, resilient and sustainable prosperity that feeds everyone, takes care of the planet and houses thriving businesses.

Find out more about the event here.

Find out more about the Water and Food Award here.

Based in Stockholm, Sweden The Institute of Swedish Safety & Security (ISSS), is a registered non-profit institution. Founded in 2010 by individuals committed to working towards a peaceful, safe and secure environment, members have significant and diverse backgrounds from security risk management consultancy, law enforcement, intelligence, military, government, Counter Terrorism Units and ‘Special Forces’.

The institute provides both research and an advisory capacity in risk management and crisis preparedness to stimulate sustainable living, resilience and ensure the well-being of communities. The mandate aims to bring awareness to lead to the development of enhanced processes to ensure the integrity of critical and second tier assets during the event of natural / man-made crisis, disasters or act of terrorism in addition to potential ripple effects from conflicts in the global arena and, therefore, promote resilience through preparedness.

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