The commission entrusted with the job of ensuring Sweden’s oil independency by 2020, has its main functional guidelines drawn up and members appointed.
The commission is to act in advisory capacity to assist the Prime Minister’s office in identifying and prioritizing measures to reach the 2020 goal.
Says the commission’s General Secretary, Stefan Edman: ”the role of the commission is to coordinate and hasten, acting as a catalyst”
“No more investigations are needed; we know what needs to be done to break oil dependency.”
In the middle of next month they will be presented with an updated analysis of how long oil is expected to last and consequences for price. Climate issues will be taken into consideration as well.
Three main sectors they are to address include home heating, transport and industry.
A document is due to be released by the summer 2006.
Here is a list of the commission members:
Leif Johansson, Managing Director Volvo Trucks
Birgitta Johansson Hedberg, Managing Director the Swedish Farmers Supply and Crop Marketing Association
Lisa Sennerby Forsse, Professor, Formas
Christian Azar, Professor, Chalmers University of Engineering
Lotta Bångens, Chairman of the Energy Advice Association, Energirådgivarna
Lars Andersson, former chairman of the Utility Eskilstuna energi och miljö
Christer Segersten, Chairman of Södra Skogsägarna, a co-operative of over 35,000 private forest owners in southern Sweden.
Göran Johnsson, former chairman of the Swedish Metalworkers’ Union
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