Category: Peace and sustainability
Water and food security should be at the heart of transforming to a low carbon economy
With energy availability peaking and demand still rising, many are promoting the idea of transitioning to the low carbon economy. But what are the priorities? Light bulbs? Ethanol cars? From my perspective we should be concentrating on that which we need everyday and that takes at least one quarter of our weekly budget: food and…
Please consider signing the hunger petition by the United Nations FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization)
Please consider signing the hunger petition by the United Nations FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization), which they will show to government delegates at their big Food Security conference next week 16-18 November 2009. Petition: Info on Food Security conference: The director of FAO is also calling for people to hunger strike, i.e., fast…
Me to climate deniers: we need to talk, like, now.
I have been following the debate from the climate denier side for a few weeks, mostly in fascination of how you can, in contrast to being a sceptic, go ahead and categorically deny the possibility that emissions into the atmosphere could create a climate system collapse. So I figured that to be a denier you…
BBC picks up perfect storm warning from top scientist
A perfect storm of shortages is what the BBC calls its series, inspired by the warnings from no other than John Beddington, the UK government’s chief scientific adviser, of a possible crisis in 2030. See his entire speech here. This perfect storm is one where factors combine to present challenges to the world’s population as…
Quote: enjoying this beautiful life is about who we are
There are people who like to point out all the problems, and in a way, I’m glad they do. But I think there should be some people who point out the good, the beautiful, because this life, despite all the problems, is beautiful. And sometimes, caught up in our troubles, our turmoil, our ideas, our…
Connecting peace and sustainable development
Sometimes I can’t get things out of my head. It felt like a long shot, but as I stepped onto the plane to Berlin to attend a Words of Peace conference with Prem Rawat, I couldn’t ignore my intuition telling me that peace and sustainable development were linked somehow and that maybe the journey and…